Curation: what’s it to you?

Content curation. Digital curation. Art curation. It’s the act of organizing, pulling together, sifting through information. There’s a vast amount of resources, best practices, and advice out there. The trick is choosing how to spend our time.

Time is finite but information is every-fucking-where. How did I subscribe to so many email lists? Where did all these books in my queue come from? Why do I have so many Unplayed Episodes in my podcast stream? Overwhelm!!

I start writing lists of Ted Talks to watch or blogs to follow or series to watch. All of these things are constantly streaming into my consciousness from such random places and all the while I’m trying to figure out what to do with it all. So I’m starting here. Here I will chronicle things I notice and things that help me as simply as possible.

First thing: My BuJo. Bullet Journal. A place for it all to live. One notebook, multiple roles. Kind of like an extension of my brain. I hope. Most importantly is is my opportunity to STOP and focus on a single thing.

I’ve been keeping my BuJo for the last five months and I love it. The act of writing things down somehow cements it in my memory – or allows me to LET IT GO (I still haven’t finished watching “Frozen”). I can reference my lists, meeting notes, calendar, and future plans all within one lovely, bound book.

If you want to check it out, here’s the original site. Warning: rabbit hole. Once you go down this path, you will find many, many suggested layouts (to curate) and many people with opinions on HOW to best CREATE your journal. All bullshit – since it should be a structure that you personalize. Trust your instinct. Trust your slightly crooked lines. Trust what comes out when you put pen to paper…